
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Run, Baby, Run

For over two and a half years now, Sarah Palin supporters have been writing their fingers to the bone, speaking out in their communities and standing up against vicious opposition from hate-filled hearts towards her. Some, like Jedediah Bila and Tammy Bruce, have taken to radio and television punditry to advance the cause and stand up for the one person who has taken more slings and arrows than any other politician that comes to mind because they all believe in her. They recognize that she stands for and articulates the core values that have resonated silently inside all of us since the torch was doused with the passing of Ronald Reagan.

The comparisons to Reagan are many; but it’s not about the next Reagan anymore since many are growing weary with the references. It is, however, about relighting that torch and carrying it forward again. People like Michael Reagan and Bill Kristol who once extolled Sarah Palin as the fresh new face of a Republican Party that had lost its way have grown cold having given into the pressure from the establishment within their own party as well as by allowing the false doubts perpetrated by the mainstream media to slowly seep into their heads. It’s as if many in the GOP are giving up on that dream – that belief that we could again have a leader that inspires us to go through the political desert and the dark forest of our current political culture with full faith and optimism knowing that, despite the fatigue and despite the lack of political food and water, if we just keep moving forward we will get there. We will get there to that shining city on a hill once again.

-Read the rest on Liberty's Lamp

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