
Saturday, June 30, 2012

We Will Know Our Nation's Fate on November 6, 2012

We are riding the political roller coaster where the polls are up and the polls are down, Obamacare stands, Fast and Furious gets contemptuous and our economy continues to sputter under the heavy hand of a mammoth government which is taxing and regulating our entire business and financial infrastructure into the ground. Four years of Obama's hope and change leaves us teetering on the edge of fiscal and social disaster. As elections go, this one is the biggie. This is the one where the American people decide to either destroy their nation or put it back on a track toward restoration and renewal.

Political friends and foes alike are all over the map on who's going to win. There are Obama supporters who see him losing this go around and there are Obama supporters who see him winning. There are also Obama supporters who are defecting. There are Romney supporters who see him losing and there are Romney supporters who see him winning. There are also a lot of conservatives who would prefer a different nominee. Some are voting for him anyway; others are not yet sure.

When talking with the vast swath of these people across the political spectrum, one thing is certain: uncertainty. The polls don't tell us much yet because it's too early. They swing back and forth with each passing day. For this writer, it's a hard call. I know who I want to win and I know why I want him to win. But as far as analysis, this is all I have: we will know our nation's fate on November 6, 2012.

This is the election that will tell us how fiscally knowledgeable we are and how morally and socially healthy we are as a country. Simply put, on that fateful Tuesday in November, take all those intellectually tainted by their own laziness and their willingness to be lied to by the mainstream media, the moral and emotional dirtbags who peddle their negativity and cultural crassness and those who stubbornly refuse to see the harsh reality of how Obama's policies and political philosophy are bringing us closer and closer to becoming like Greece and have them all stand in one corner. Then, take all the commonsense constitutional conservatives, Tea Partiers, diehard Republicans, patriotic Americans and citizens across the socio-economic spectrum who are simply fed up with how the government is running things and put them in the other corner.

If we count all those who both knowingly and unknowingly stand in the corner with those who history will remember as the dirtbags who destroyed America as we know it and there are more of them than us, we lose. The founding fathers will be proven right that this great democracy is ours to fight for and keep or ours to lose because of our own shortcomings. Thomas Jefferson believed that the most dangerous thing to our democracy was a falsely educated or uneducated populace. If we have become that now, God help us.

On the other hand, if there are still more of us than them, we take our first step back toward restoration. Think of it like the Roadrunner cartoon where the coyote has already gone past the "Achtung" sign where the road ends and turns to gravel and boulders before finally stopping at the cliff's edge. We're already past the Achtung sign (and getting really close to the edge of the cliff now). We will have to turn around and undo all of the damage that Obama and the Democrats have done before we can even get back on the good section of highway again.

Which leads me back to who I'm voting for and why. I was hoping to vote for Sarah Palin. If she had gotten the nomination, some would have resisted and others would have warmed up to her. Then there's the large group who already consider her to be their leader. America needed Sarah Palin right now. She didn't run. But she continues to fight. Sarah Palin would have came to Washington, kicked ass and turned this country around without any doubt. It could have been four to get it straight. Eight to make it great.

So with that said, we only have one nominee and the choice is between him and Obama.

The future of the Tea Party and the future for those who dream of one day watching Sarah Palin take the oath of office is now in the hands of one Willard Mitt Romney. For many like me, he is not the most exciting candidate in the world. He still carries the lingering odor of the establishment and his pragmatic nature leads him further to the right than he was years ago. Like or dislike Romney. Like or dislike the GOP establishment. Regardless, voting for his opponent is political suicide for our nation.

Quite frankly, the dynamic that would have helped Palin in a roundabout way is the same dynamic that now helps Romney. Had Palin gotten the nomination, the GOP establishment would have no choice but to hold their nose and support her given the alternative in Obama. Only now, its the conservative base that has to hold their nose and pull the lever for Romney. But pull it for Romney we must.

Romney is not that bad of a prospect for president. He has business skills. He is an extremely intelligent man. He has a wonderful family and a very likable wife. There are some moderate and RINO aspects to him, but he's not John McCain. He is running a well financed and much more disciplined campaign than McCain ran.

He is also embracing the idea of having surrogates use the same tactics the left uses against us. Republicans and conservatives have woken up to the notion that we have to get our hands dirty. In the past, we've pulled our punches. Not this time around! We used to play tiddly winks while they played dodge ball. We're finally picking up the ball and hitting them back with it.

On top of that, Romney is an executive with executive experience. That's a lot more to say than what Obama has.

Before you start tweeting me about this Romney stuff, allow me to finish.

I admit Romney is boring. Romney is a technocrat. We need the fire of  a Palin. We need what Reagan gave us in 1980 when our country was in a similar situation after four years of Jimmy Carter. We're not going to get that from Romney. Forget about the warm and fuzzies this time around and just keep your eye on the prize. We can't have Obama win again. Period.

Romney's not the second coming. But he is a good guy and we can vote for him. In the last election, I voted for Palin not McCain. This election, I'm voting for all of us not Romney.

If you ever had a job where your boss was a tyrant and you hoped the sharp guy or gal sitting next to you who you admired so much would take his place after he got fired, you probably were somewhat okay when they replaced him with some corporate guy rather than the person you knew deserved the job. One thing you did know was at least the nightmare was over. Whoever the company chose to replace the tyrant with would obviously have to be much better than that tyrant.

Also, the election of Romney buys us time. Remember, if Obama wins, the game is over. The country's gone.  If Romney wins, that's four more years to keep recruiting Tea Partiers to run at the state and local level. We can build our minor leagues. We can strengthen our bullpen. The future of America is the citizen politician. Look at how the liberals did it. Infiltrate, infiltrate, infiltrate. We can burrow into the pop culture, the academia, the political establishment and the media. This is ultimately how we will and must win long term.

It's very important that we communicate properly to those under 45. Many of the people you talk to were either not alive or too young to remember what America was like under Reagan. Tears stream down my face when I compare the memories of my country then to the dark monster it has become now.

If you fell asleep in 1988 and woke up in 2012, the shock would be unbelievable. The horror you would feel and the hair raising limb numbing shock that would overcome your being would make you physically ill. Our country is by far way different and way worse off than it was then. If I hadn't experienced the decline gradually over the course of years, I would never have believed this could have happened. My Lord, it's so surreal it makes me shake to think about it.

America can be that great again. America can be that shining city on a hill again. We must defeat Obama at all legal costs. We must elect whoever is at the head of our ticket now so that we can live again to fight and someday put a Palin, a Rubio, a West or a Ryan in the White House. Our next Reagan walks among us. But it is truly us who have to all be that collective Reagan now. We must renew and restore ourselves as we renew and restore our nation.

We have a great band with an okay singer. They got a great singer with a horrible band. Ultimately, our music will sound better than there's if we just keep playing. Someday, our front woman or front man will lead us back to that beacon of hope. Until then, keep praying. And, God help us if we lose. This is our last chance. This is do or die.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fast and Furious: Plot to Disarm American Citizens

A speculative opinion, but what else could it be?

What could the president and the attorney general possibly be trying to hide? What if the gun running fiasco that is Fast and Furious was a plan to discredit the gun industry so as to create a political environment more favorable to stronger gun control laws? What if this plan is in the documents Eric Holder refuses to release and now the president is trying to hide by using the veil of executive privilege? Socialists and those who want to "fundamentally transform America" have long believed that past attempts at imposing Marxist philosophy failed because of violence. What if they tried one more time to impose Marxism by disarming the American citizen and removing the violence factor?

If the documents that the Obama administration are hiding contain conspiracies to use this as an excuse to push for stiffer gun regulation and ultimately put the government in control of the citizens' guns, it would be beyond scandalous. Not even the Obama-mania media could retain their credibility if it was blown wide open that the Obama administration planned on disarming the American people so that they wouldn't react violently to the imposition of the socialism that might come in an Obama second term.

Regardless of what people may think of Mitt Romney, if Romney is elected this threat goes away. If it comes out that this was the plan - and that it was being run by the same Eric Holder who refused to prosecute New Black Panthers for intimidating voters at polling places - it would make sense why the administration is going all out to protect these documents.

On the anniversary of Watergate, this scandal is turning out to be a huge problem for Obama's reelection campaign. At best, its a pure example of how incompetent this administration is and how no right thinking American could want four more years of it. At worst, it's a plan to continue with the socialist agenda of the Left. Either way, it's enough reason to not reelect Obama.

This may be just an opinion. But prove me wrong. Show us the documents.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Everything I've been Writing About Can Be Summed up in a 36 Minute Speech

In the early days, we were just a rag tag team of commenters and bloggers. Today, we are an army. I've probably spend untold hours putting out blog posts and tweets, re-tweeting my fellow warriors and joining forces with those who I watched explode into known names across the conservative social sites. I'm so proud to be a little guy in the big battle. Moreso, I'm so pumped to see it going the way it's going. We're becoming a force. We're starting to win.

After the 2008 election, it was so frustrating to see how weak we were. We had no real presence on the web. The mainstream media was destroying the truth. This blogger wrote that in order to win in 2012 we would have to convince America that the media lies. We're there.

Lately, my work and business responsibilities have kept me from blogging the way I used to. I've been jotting things down and trying to put together thoughts for a big "we're going to beat them at their own game this time" post. Then I watched Sarah Palin's speech at Right Online.

As a friend of mine who watched the speech with me pointed out, "she just said everything you've been talking about for the last four years." Then I realized, I don't need to write the blog post. It was already written for me.

This is what I'm talking about!

Thanks to The Right Scoop for being the man from the very beginning. He has been an inspiration. While I tend to be flowery and lengthy in my posts, TRS has been short, sweet and to the point. It's probably a lesson to be learned. By posting Sarah Palin's Right Online speech, TRS has said all that needs to be said.

If you haven't watched it, watch it. If you've watched it already, watch it again.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Why the Tactics are Necessary

Mitt Romney scored big by campaigning in front of the failed Solyndra factory. David Axelrod, at the same time, was being heckled at his speech in Boston. The Romney campaign is showing bright signs that today's GOP may have learned its lessons following Steve Schmidt's failed 2008 GOP presidential campaign. As our economy heads "forward" toward disaster, the Romney campaign isn't shying away from harsh rhetoric and the hard dirty work of its surrogates. These tactics are necessary because defeating Obama and the socialist agenda will not happen unless we not only engage them in their game but defeat them at it.

There are still those who may be turned off by the tactics of gutter politics and the sharp spinning of events that shape the candidates' reputations. However, they will need to be convinced that winning a street fight requires fighting - not the kind of civility they're used to in past elections (especially from the historically more formal and docile GOP). If we were reviewing the "game films from 2008," we'd clearly see a GOP that was out punched and out smeared by its opponents. To make matters worse, the "referee" (the media) aided and assisted the Democrats with their tactics.

The lessons learned are many. Since 2008, we have witnessed the proliferation of conservative blogs, websites and social networking sites along with the embracing of "Breitbartian" tactics in the new media which is beginning to offset the effects of the slobbering love affair, as Bernard Goldberg calls it, between the traditional mainstream media and Barack Obama.

Although the coalition is an odd one between establishment Republicans on one hand and conservatives, libertarians and Tea Partiers on the other, the glue that keeps the army together and strong is one Barack Hussein Obama. Knowing that America as we know it will disintegrate into a mere memory if our current failure of a president is reelected, the GOP and its allies are ready to go all out to defeat the nightmare of socialism and its standard bearer.

Our country has lost millions of jobs. Unemployment continues to be high. Many have given up looking and dropped out of the job hunt completely. Incomes have come down across the board (there are less million dollar earning households in America today than there were four years ago and there are more people on government assistance than ever before).

Today's economic numbers show that we are not moving "forward" and the economy has not "turned the corner." In his speech today in Las Vegas, "Mitt Romney called Friday’s jobs numbers that show unemployment grew to 8.2% last month a 'harsh indictment' of President Obama’s economic policies and argued that the president is a failure and has put his personal goals ahead of creating jobs."

As our national debt spirals out of control and our economy continues to sputter and tank, it is becoming more and more evident that this election is not just another presidential election. The future of our nation is at stake. You can tell people the choice this year is between voting for the destruction of the America as we know it or for the restoration of America as it should be. Don't be taken aback by the tactics. We may not like having to use them, but they own the game. We have no choice. The alternative is even worse.

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