
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Educating and Empowering the Citizenry with The People's Vote

"An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people." - Thomas Jefferson

Chuck Kirkpatrick is the founder and CEO of an innovative website The People's Vote. He and Director of Social Media Strategy Daria DiGiovanni will be on my Blogtalk Radio Show Friday night 7/6/12 at 11 pm. Listen in to find out more about the site. I'll also be talking about why this November's election is a do or die election.

Harriet Baldwin provides information on The People's Vote site and concept:
What IS The People's Vote?
Based on the 100 year old Initiative and Referendum Process, ThePeoplesVote.com is a nonpartisan, internet based, ballot and social utility that creates Advisory Propositions, at the federal, state and local level in which citizens learn about and cast votes “online” on the most popular public policies, before they become law. Ballot results are analyzed, sorted by Congressional District, and instantly communicated to Congress.
Check out my broadcast and go to The People's Vote site for more information.

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