
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Moms Playing a Key Role in Beating the Lamestream Media

It wasn't too long after President Obama's inauguration speech that I got involved in blogging. Originally, I had set up a website prior to opening this blog site. The first point I made was how crucial it would be for our survival and ultimately for victory in 2012 that we learn the tactics of the left wing media (you know, the major networks, big city newspapers and websites like The Daily Kos, The Huffington Post and Politico) and defeat them at their own game. A mother from Alaska became a Fox News contributor and inspired women, who she dubbed "Mama Grizzlies," to join her in the fight.

Mama Grizzlies across America reared up on their hind legs and took to blogging, the social media and the newly exploding forum of publications, internet sites and video outlets which form today's powerful and influential new media. Liberals were beginning to use a term more and more: right wing media.

Until 2012, the media was predominantly liberal. Sure, we had the Weekly Standard, Newsmax and a few other established conservative publications which evolved out of the Goldwater - Reagan era. But the mass media, the only real source of information for average working Americans who don't spend hours each day on the internet scouring for concepts and truth, controlled the information. They're the ones who convinced America that Barack Obama was the second coming and that an angry old man with a ditzy running mate should not be elected.

They lied to America.

When Governor Sarah Palin was getting lied about by liberal loonies after returning to Alaska, women across America came to her defense. Websites like Team Sarah, Conservatives4Palin, PalinTwibe and others were started by women. Sarah Palin herself resigned her governorship to become part of the new media. She wrote a book titled Going Rogue that chronicled how a small town girl from the middle of nowhere in Alaska could go on to become Governor of her state and run for vice president of the United States.

Palin quickly became a master of the new media, using Facebook and Twitter to deliver a message that the mainstream media so nervously feared would get out there. With two words, "death panel," Palin nearly took down Obamacare. Because of Palin's effort, the Speaker of the House took to using trickery and deception to get the bill passed.

A real woman told us how she wouldn't want to have her Downs Syndrome son's worthiness to live be decided by a panel of government bureaucrats or how old people would be subject to end of life counseling where they would be told they wouldn't be able to get medical care because they're just going to die anyway. A demagogue of a woman, Nancy Pelosi, tried to tell us otherwise. But, the new media would have none of it.

In the new media, Monica Crowley, Andrea Tantaros, Dana Loesch, Jedediah Bila, Tammy Bruce, Dr. Gina Loudon and countless more became the faces of a new feminism - women who would become examples to the rest of us that female conservatism was cooler and hipper than radical left wing feminism.

In the political realm, Michelle Bachmann, a mom, ran rallies and committed herself to the repeal of Obamacare. Women like Nikki Haley, Pam Bondi and Jan Brewer were becoming popular and well known figures in the fight against Obama's radical socialist agenda.

Today, it could be argued that the new media is actually defeating the old media. Andrew Breitbart's dream of taking on the establishment and bringing minions of conservatives into the media to offset and defeat the mainstream media is coming true.

John Nolte at Big Journalism wrote:
New Media should also take a victory lap for without Citizen Journalists engaging in trench warfare with the corrupt media, Obama would've gotten away with spiking the bin Laden football, dividing this country racially over Trayvon Martin, launching his reelection campaign in a stadium full of empty seats, looking like a human rights champion with his calculated decision to stop lying about his position on same-sex marriage and, most recently, coordinating with the corrupt Washington Post to portray Romney as an anti-gay bully with a hit-piece that has now fallen apart under New Media scrutiny.

Oh, and don't forget the utter collapse of the Obama-endorsed Occupy Wall Street movement.  
Through blogs, Facebook, and Twitter, everyday Americans are taking The Truth back and holding Obama's Media Palace Guards accountable for their lies and biases. 
In 2008, we were outnumbered. Today an army of conservative bloggers that were motivated to stand up for moms like Sarah Palin and take on the Obama agenda rule the internet. Those hateful Alaska bloggers who were often cited as sources in the smear campaign against vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin are slowly being relegated to the dust heap of history as new media blog sites grow like wild flowers.

Like John Nolte said, we need to recognize our achievements as a whole. As I would like to say today, on Mother's Day, we also need to recognize the achievements of a key part of our online and new media army: moms.

Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Why We Must Elect Mitt Romney President

After you read the following articles from American Thinker, you will understand why it is imperative that Obama not get second term. Since Mitt Romney is our nominee, we have no choice but to vote for him. The alternative is death to America as we know it.

Please read these before reading the rest of this post:

'Forward!' with Obama, Axelrod, Jarrett and Frank Marshall Davis by Paul Kengor
Obama's Second Term Transformation Plans by Steve McCann
Defeat Obama: The Power Of One Patriot! by Lloyd Marcus
Anti-Capitalist Obama Administration Targets Debt Collectors by M Catharine Evans

The only difference between Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter is Obama is doing it intentionally. All of the big government socialism - the idea that wealth should be redistributed from the haves to the have nots- has always been the goal of the progressive movement in America. Class warfare divides the country and ripens it for the transformation that we were promised during Obama's first run for the presidency in 2008. Defeating him will also have to be intentional. Doing so will require tactics that Republicans and conservatives have not been familiar with until recently when they learned about Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals.

The rise of the Tea Party movement proved that we could get the adults off the couches and out into the streets and the fields of America to speak out against the rising deficit and out of control government spending. The "conservative" Conservative movement suddenly found its Breitbarts and Palins. This changed the movement not because the movement was calling for changing itself but because conditions on the ground required it.

Now that we have gotten our shoes dirty in the fields where we flew our Gadsden flags, it's time to get our hands dirty. Getting underneath the hood of the American body politic requires that we are going to have to bang a few wrenches and bleed a few hoses if we are ever going to fix this thing.

This is our last chance.

Ripping off the tie and tossing the suit jacket aside to jump into the water to save the drowning nation means that conservatives and Republicans, including those in the Establishment are going to have to accept doing and saying things that were typically outside of our comfort zones. We are about to nominate Mitt Romney at a time when the GOP really needed Sarah Palin (we still have the Tea Party and they doing very well right now building it from the ground up). But, if we are going to survive as a nation, we are going to have to hope that Romney will embrace the one tactic that he used against his opponents in the GOP primary: we are going to need his surrogates to smear Obama the way he smeared Gingrich and Santorum. And, we will need barrels of smear.

Some will reach this point of the post and reject the notion based on a misunderstanding that this blogger is advocating lowering ourselves to their level. Saving our nation is not about becoming like them. Saving our nation is about understanding how they are defeating us and responding to that in the appropriate arena. When you're getting your face punched in, you don't talk civilly to the person punching you. When the media is lying to you and the Democrat machine and the Obama campaign are using psychological tactics that have so far convinced nearly 50% of the people to consider voting for Obama in 2012, it's proof that traditional and conventional tactics are not working.

It's time we understood their playbook. It's time we get out of the box. It's time we recognize that infiltrating the institutions and taking them back for the noble sake of the people and their Constitution requires the same tactic used by the Left to take them for more sinister reasons.

For example, you've heard about the so called Republican war on women. Why? Not because there is one, but because the Democrat machine and their media robots created the question and now the question begs an answer which only those in the media and the Democrat Party are glad to provide for their own question.

Remember Breitbart. Our existence as a nation depends on us doing these things, not because we want to cheat or gain an unfair advantage, but because our very survival is at stake. They did it to win in 2008. We must do it to survive in 2012.

Arguing facts doesn't work anymore in today's political environment. The facts are on our side and yet we still keep losing elections. Convincing sheep to not be sheep, and convincing people who have had their brains turned to mush by the Obama propaganda machine that stands on the shoulders of decades of progressive infiltration into the media, the culture and the academia will not be solved by proving to those who believe 2+2 = 5 that 2+2 =4.

The way you do it is prove it this way. 2+2 = 5 minus 1 = 4. We need to use their own tactics against them.

There is no civil discourse with the radical left. Their response to the truth is spinning heads and green vomit. It's vitriol. It's hate. It's demonetization. Look at how they've been using race as a distraction. They can't defend their economic record. The truth is the danger zone for liberals and they must keep everyone's attention diverted from it long enough to get re-elected.

The Alinsky tactic is not to provide an answer. It's to raise the question. "So when did you stop beating your wife?" It's the assumptive that occurs when a question is raised in such a way. "How many beers did you have tonight." Answer none and you are denying their assumed premised. You are liar. You are under suspicion.

Learn, my friends. Watch how this works.

Forget whether or not you're a birther or whether you believe Obama was born in Kenya or not. That's not the issue here. I could care less if there is a real birth certificate on microfiche locked in a vault somewhere in Hawaii the same way that liberals could care less that there was bona fide proof that Sarah Palin never required rape victims in Wasilla to pay for their own rape kits. We're not looking for answers here, folks. We're trying to defeat low life Democrats.

The next time you think about playing it safe or you scratch your head about why the GOP is nominating Romney, just remember that the trembling tigers on our side haven't won a real election since Ronald Reagan. The GOP won that one despite the play it safe trembling tigers who thought an actor who played alongside a monkey couldn't win because Reagan and his army outflanked the media.  The Democrats put a radical leftist and an aging gaffe-meister on their ticket in 2008. They won. Why have the Republicans gotten so caught up in playing it safe?

It's time to stop being intimidated by the Left! Let's not answer the question. Let's not say Obama was born in Kenya. Let's raise the question. Let's get everyone in the conservative media and everyone in the Republican Party to talk about the birth certificate.


We're just asking.

Did Obama have a gay drug infested liason? We're just asking.

A bad insurance salesman will tell you you need life insurance. A good insurance salesman will ask you "what will happen to your family if you die?"

When overcoming those mental hurdles while trying to swallow Romney as our nominee, just ask yourself "what will happen to your future if our country dies?"

Sharpen those rhetorical swords and be ready to take it on the chin. I'm not saying that Obama is a gay Kenyan drug using socialist with megalomaniac tendencies. I'm just asking.

I'm not saying Romney is a smear merchant. I'm just hoping.

Lord knows we need some people on our side who can be as effective or more effective than the dirt machine that has become the modern Democrat Party. God help us if we don't bring a bazooka to the next gun fight.

Be prepared to state that "the choice is between destroying America or restoring it" at your next political argument. Beyond that, don't argue facts. Facts don't work on liberals. You have to intentionally beat them with tactics, not just win a debate.

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